dBmap.net Keyboard Shortcuts

EscActivate “Select” tool or close the current window
CtrlTemporarily activate “Pan” tool
ShiftConstrain angle when moving or drawing
EnterConfirm current action
SpaceOpen “Global Settings” sidebar
←↑→↓Shift view in this direction
OOpen “Objects” window
G“Global Settings” sidebar
S“Snapshots” window *
Ctrl+S“Export and Import” window
E“Edit” Tool
V3D View *
MDraw Noise Map 
NDraw Cross Section *
AAdd Object: “Accessory”
BAdd Object: “Barrier” / “Building”
RAdd Object: “Receiver”
PAdd Object: “Point”
LAdd Object: “Line/Area” *
GAdd Object: “Ground Height” *
HAdd Object: “Height Line” *
+Zoom in
– Zoom out
0Zoom to contents
1-9Go to bookmarked viewpoint *

* Subscription only