Changes (changelog)

Version 1.7

  • Alternative storage option – complex models saved in “Local” browser site data (subscription only)
  • New .dbmap backup file format (subscription only)
  • Reflection/Absorption Coefficient “Spectrum” option
  • Baseline level (subscription only)
  • Transform multiple objects (subscription only)
  • Advanced node editing with the Shift key (add, delete, snap to)
  • Pin a Snapshot (subscription only)
  • Images / Google Maps displayed in the 3D View (subscription only)
  • Better mobile/touch support including two finger pan and pinch-to-zoom.
  • Grid values “dot” option
  • Unwanted alerts can now be silenced by clicking the icon

Version 1.6

Guidance update (ISO9613-2:2024)

An update to the International Standard (ISO) for outdoor sound propagation, originally released in 1996, was recently published and v1.6 introduces the necessary changes from this guidance.

Some key points to consider:

  • The reflection coefficient estimates have been replaced with a recommended default value of 0.9 for building facades and surfaces of industrial facilities of unknown absorption.
  • The barrier attenuation method has changes that are described as “to eliminate well known shortcomings with low barriers and large source-to-receiver distances”. 
  • The ground effect method has a modification that reduces the level of ground absorption (or reflection) over short distances. 
  • The reflection method, specifically where a surface is determined as sufficient in size to be reflecting, has a small clarification that may result in more reflections being included compared to past models.  This feature can be found in the Global Settings sidebar as the “ISO reflector surface size check” option.

Due to the changes made with this update you may find some differences in the results of your calculated levels compared to older models. Please get in touch for more information about these changes or if you wish to modify an existing Snapshot or Short URL to use an older version of the tool.

Other new features and improvements:

  • Area sources and surface sources on buildings (subscription only)
  • JSON/GeoJSON file support added to Export and Import with full model configuration saved to file. KML Import also added.
  • “Duplicate object” button added.
  • Toggle A-weighting in receiver tables.
  • Button to swap an existing (or missing) image for another.
  • Drag-and-drop to re-order coordinates.
  • Bookmarks now include the current 3D view (when active)
  • More Keyboard shortcuts have been added.  These are listed here.
  • The color scheme for France (NF S31-130) has been added.
  • Performance improvements:
    • New ground height triangulation method is much faster when there are many ground heights.
    • New reflections pre-calculation method has had a significant improvement in calculation speed, especially when there are many sources and many reflecting surfaces.

Version 1.5

  • Compare two scenarios (subscription only)
  • Objects window
  • Ray-receiver breakdown
  • Export to KML file
  • Improved accessory lines styling
  • Styled contour lines
  • Language support

Version 1.4

  • Ground height lines (subscription only)
  • Building roof options
  • Barriers slope with ground level (subscription only)
  • Multi-heights
  • New PDF Report chart styles (subscription only)
  • New bitmap sizing handle
  • An extract of BS5228 sound power levels added
  • White receiver dots and “label off” option
  • DXF output now includes dB contours
  • Improved calculation method

Version 1.3

  • Receiver design option “Dot”
  • Export PDF Report (subscription only)
  • Bookmark viewpoints (subscription only)
  • Decimal precision option
  • ISO17534 lateral path recommendation option
  • Compressed URL

Version 1.2

  • Cross Section snap to a building facade (subscription only)
  • Sound level adjustment by +dB or “% on time”
  • Receiver “match grid height” option
  • Line source reflections added (subscription only)
  • Floating “add objects” toolbar
  • Improved DXF export and import

Version 1.1

  • Save images to user account (subscription only)
  • Manual adjustment of (x, y) coordinates.

Version 1.0

  • New subscription-only features added:
    • Line sources
    • Cross section mode
    • Ground levels and ground heights mode
    • 3D view
    • Snapshots feature – shortens URL and saves a thumbnail to user account.
    • Colour schemes saved to user account
    • Source levels saved to user account
    • Multi-threading (faster calculations)
    • Custom grid text linked to user account
    • Light theme option
  • Improved reflections method allows for screening along the entire path.
  • New vertical edge path finder. Finds up to two paths within the horizontal plane inclined along the source-to-receiver direct line.
    • Convex only path option added
  • New direct path option includes all barriers with top-edge diffraction as recommended in ISO 17534-3
  • Ground reflections options as recommended in ISO 17534-3
  • Google Static Maps improved with preview and edit zoom added

Version 0.5

  • Initial 2015 release

Updated October 2024